Bluetooth Smart based School kids tracking is a low cost and lightweight solution implemented using the latest Wireless ID Capture, Web and Smartphone technologies. Now parents can feel safe and get realtime updates on the status of school bus, and their children in school. This Bluetooth Smart based solution uses the Bluetooth based ID cards to detect children in bus and transmit realtime location information to central server using GPS and GPRS technology. Parents can simply get all the location updates on their smartphone mobile app.

This system can also send SMS updates in case GPRS connectivity is not available.

School Kid
Bluetooth Smart objects can run on a battery for more than 2 years. They continuously transmit students’ ID which can be captured by Smart readers mounted on Buses and Building Entry/Exit Gates. Combined with Electronics, IT, Smartphone and Information Technology,
these objects serve as the foundation for Low Cost tracking system for school kids.

Central Server
Server hosted on the cloud manages a database which contain realtime as well as historical information on students, buses and schools. This information is made available to Mobile App Clients via internet and web services.